Monday, November 08, 2004

Link Popularity Building Strategies

What is quality a link popularity
Link Popularity is the number of hyperlinks pointed to your website. It's also many times used as term for Google's Page Rank, Google's own method of search. But we offer quality links to our customers which means links from related pages and with high rankings in search engines because the search engines don't want "artificially created" (or useless) links

Why is Link Popularity so important?
Now these days, inbounds links are the one of most important factor for getting a high keyword ranking, the most search engines are ranking their search result on the link popularity from your site. Not the quantity from the links, but the quality of those links is important. It's also important that the inbound links are in the same topic. Remember one good link can be more important than hundred bad links. Not only the search engines page ranking is important, good links creates also extra traffic to your website.

How much time does it take to create links?
The time frame varies according to the package which you will purchase. We have different timeframes depending on the links campaign chosen by you.Page Rank specific programs however, take a little longer to execute. In general, the higher the PR specification, the more time it would take to execute the link services.

 Will Google and Search Engines recognize all the links you create?
Since our methods of selecting partner sites is from already indexed sites Google will recognize most of the links, but it might not display all of these links as Google has its own policy for displaying links to a particular site