Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Link reputation or link relevancy

Do you want to enrich your traffic generation system and attract traffic from different sources? If other websites are willing to link with your site, you can drive steady traffic to your website 24*7 days. Starting your link exchange campaign can help you get listed in many other websites. Finally, your website traffic is surfing. Compare with those pay-per-click search engines, link exchange can save you hundreds or thousands per month.

Link popularity is important, but link reputation or link relevancy is also essential. Link reputation means the wordings used to describe your website in the hyperlink text. If your website is about making money, other sites describe your site as debt consolidation, you cannot get high search engine ranking in keywords like "making money","make money".

Website traffic is too dependant on search engines.If your site cannot rank high, you cannot get any traffic.Search engines change algorithm too often.Search engine marketing becomes expensive, Since more websites are linking to your website, your website’s link popularity is increasing. Link popularity is a very important factor to your site’s search engine ranking. The higher is your link popularity, the higher is your search engine placement.

Increase the number of incoming links

How to Increase the number of incoming links

To increase the number of incoming links to your website, you have two options. You can take the slow route of exchanging links one-by-one with other websites, or you can use automated link exchange program. Manually exchanging links with other websites is a slow and tedious process that will take many months of hard work to increase your website traffic and your link popularity. Be i will suggest to go for manual link exchange program

Text Link Exchange Pro is a complete traffic exchange system which allows you to start your own text link exchange program by rotating small textual links similar to Google Adwords. Features include selling paid advertising using Paypal, full admin control panel, dynamic counted ratio, targeted link categories, 100% template driven system, 5 level referral program and many more. Webmasters can now build free traffic to their site without the need of banner images or popup ads.

Using reciprocal link exchange, as a means of promoting your website, product, or service can be a very effective and inexpensive way to help your website traffic grows and succeeds online. Reciprocal link exchange can also increase your website's link popularity, and lead to a boost in your website's search engine ranking. The higher is your website traffic, the higher is your revenue. Therefore, you must start reciprocal link exchange and manage your link building campaign effectively and increase link popularity check

Do you want to improve your search engine ranking especially your Google ranking? Link popularity (Google terms it as Pagerank) is a major criteria in search engine ranking algorithm. Link popularity refers to the total number of sites on the internet that are linking to your own website. The more sites are linking to your website, the higher is your search engine ranking